Richard Moorhead & Associates, LLC

Excellence in Medical Sales Recruiting



Hiring Companies:
Pfizer, Inc.
Olympus America, Inc.
Synthes Spine
Circon ACMI
KCI, Inc.
Three iii.Inc.
Organogenesis, Inc.
Boston Scientific
Microvasive Urology
Sage Medical
Aspect Medical
Caremark, Inc.
NuVasive, Inc.
Centerpulse, Inc
Marine Polymer Technologies, Inc.
Photomedics, Inc.
Weck Surgical
Cohesion Technologies, Inc. 
Johnson & Johnson
Ethicon EndoSurgery
Ethicon, Inc.
Mitek, Inc.
Gynecare, Inc.
Inlet Medical, Inc.
Northpoint Domain
Bauerfeind USA
Optical Dynamics, Inc.
Medtronic, Inc.
CryoLife, Inc.
MTF, Inc.
ProCyte Corporation
Teleflex Medical
Zimmer Dental
Medical Treatment Systems

Prepare Your Resume

This is your personal inventory and formal introduction to a potential employer.

How to compose your resume:

  1. Recheck
    bulletYour list of accomplishments, abilities, skills, qualifications, etc.
  2. Decide
  3. bulletOn your main job objective(s). Do not be vague or appear to be too general.
  4. Choose a format. Major types are:
    bulletChronological: lists employment history giving most recent jobs first.
    bullet Functional: emphasizes skills rather than specific jobs held.
    bullet Mixed: covers both functional and chronological information.
  5. Draft your resume. Be sure to include:
    bulletName, address, home, office, cell and voicemail phone numbers at top of first page. Your easy accessibility is vital to a successful job search.
  6. bulletInclude a personal or company e-mail address. Make sure you are comfortable with the company e-mail address being on the resume.
    bulletEmployment history with most recent job first.
    bulletBe careful not to just indicate job description and fail to highlight your accomplishments.
    bulletEducational background. Be truthful and specific. If you are two courses short of a degree, please do not indicate that you have the degree.
    bulletStatement on reference: people who can vouch for your capabilities. You should be sure to indicate past sales managers who can attest to your sales effectiveness. You will want to include your immediate manager, not peers, etc. Please make sure that you have discussed this with the person you are using as a reference so that you know what they will say about you. You may also add a couple of personal references such as your college professors, ministers, coaches, peers, and successful businessmen or businesswomen who know you. 
    bulletYou may also include a statement of job objectives, volunteer work, language and computer skills, memberships, academic honors, hobbies, etc.
  7. Five to avoid: Keep these words off your resume
    bulletPersonal pronouns—It’s redundant to fill your resume with "I" and "my." Who else would your resume be about?
    bulletAbbreviations—Unless you’re including basic technical acronyms, you should avoid abbreviations for professional groups and areas of certification.
    bulletCrisis words—Keep words like "arrested," "terminated," and "bored" off your resume. They won’t serve any purpose other than a quick trip to the trash bin.
    bulletInside information—"Knowledge of secret business plans" looks presumptuous and unprofessional.
    bulletOverused words—Keep words like "a," "an," "because" and "very" to a minimum. You don’t want to waste valuable space on unnecessary text.
  8. Edit
    bulletYour resume to make it easy to read, brief and complete. Try to keep it to one page. Two pages are acceptable as long as you have something to say that relates to the job at hand. Do not go to three pages. The type should be 12 point Times New Roman. Include only the most important information. Perfect spelling, grammar and punctuation are a must!
    bulletLearn how to create a resume that can be easily added to a computer database or sent by e-mail.
  9. Prepare
    bulletA good final copy. Have extra one printed and take five to the interview. Use high-quality paper. A neat overall appearance is important but do not get cute with watermarks, excessive background scenes, etc.


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(Please do not send Resumes or Interview forms to webmaster!)
Last modified: November 21, 2008