RMA Excellence in Medical Sales Recruiting
Hiring Companies: |
Interview & ResumeThe process is simple and straightforward. After you have reviewed the job openings or have a desire to explore market opportunities, you fill out and submit the Interview form. Then select the Resume page which will allow you to send, via your email program, your resume as an attachment. Once RMA receives your information, the recruiting process actually begins. An RMA recruiter will contact you shortly thereafter to familiarize themselves with you, the candidate. RMA determines the position you may be best suited for and represents the company in extolling to you the benefits of the company and of the particular sales position. Finally, when RMA determines that a match exists, we present you to the company for review and consideration. We assist in coordinating the interview process and we serve as the exclusive contact between yourself and the company. Go to hints, information and tips for more about recruiting, interviewing, resume develop and other help.
(Click on this special Pre-Interview Analysis form when directed. Once the Word document opens, enter the information then click "File>Save As" to save on your computer, then email the completed form to richard@rmamedicalsales.com) |
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